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2 Accreditation(s)
Accepts Private Health Insurance
Accepts Public Health Insurance
OhioGuidestone helps people on their recovery journey by blending mental health and addiction treatment. They have both outpatient and residential programs, and they pay special attention to teens and families. Their trauma-informed care digs into the deeper issues behind addiction. OhioGuidestone also connects clients with local support, so they can build strong networks close to home. They even offer job training and educational help to set people up for lasting success. Their methods are practical, aiming to make recovery something you can stick with for the long haul. OhioGuidestone accepts plans from major private insurance providers, including Anthem, Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Humana, and UnitedHealthcare. Low-cost facility ($): Affordable or free with insurance. Payment assistance likely available.
3094 West Market Street, Fairlawn Medical Building, Suite 105 , Akron, OH 44333 Directions
Disclaimer: Additional insurance plans may be accepted. Please contact the provider directly to confirm current coverage details, as this information may change.
Provided | Not Provided | |
Free | ||
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Sliding fee scale | provides facility information using publically available data from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and cannot independently verify the data. does not guarantee the quality of care or results of working with any provider or treatment facility. Please contact us if you are the proprietor of a facility and have updates or corrections to site content.