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4 Accreditation(s)
Accepts Private Health Insurance
Accepts Public Health Insurance
Near North Health Service Corporation - Komed Holman Health Center in Chicago is all about community health and wellness. They mix primary care with behavioral health services, so you get more than just addiction treatment. They have bilingual staff, which is great if you speak Spanish. They also tackle social issues that affect your health, like nutrition and social support. This place looks at the whole person, not just the addiction, aiming for long-term recovery. Additionally, they accept plans from major private insurance providers such as Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, and UnitedHealthcare.
4259 South Berkeley Avenue , Chicago, IL 60653 Directions
Disclaimer: Additional insurance plans may be accepted. Please contact the provider directly to confirm current coverage details, as this information may change.
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Sliding fee scale | provides facility information using publically available data from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and cannot independently verify the data. does not guarantee the quality of care or results of working with any provider or treatment facility. Please contact us if you are the proprietor of a facility and have updates or corrections to site content.